Common Abbreviations

Common Abbreviations 

$1/1, $1/2, ect: The value of a coupon $1 off of 1 item or $1 off of 2 items
Blinkie: I get so excited when I find these! These are the coupons found on isles usually near the products. This is a great way to grab a few extra coupons for your collections. Remember: You don't have to use the coupon right away or even at the store you found it in! If the product isn't on sale, stuff it in your binder until you find a good deal!
BTFE: Box Tops For Education
Catalinas: These are dollar(s) off next purchase coupons that print from the coupon machines at the registers. These are usually given for purchasing certain amounts of an item during a promotional period.
ECB: (Extra Care Bucks) CVS money that prints at the end of your receipt. These are good toward your next purchase and act just like money.
IWG (Instant Win Game): Items won from an online instant win game
MQ: (Manufacture coupon) It will usually state "Manufacture Coupon" on the top of the coupon
OOP (Out Of Pocket): How much was paid with cash/credit
RP (Red Plum): This refers to the Sunday newspaper inserts
RR: (Register Reward): Similar to ECBs, these print at out of the catalina machines at Walgreens and are store money that can be used on your next transaction.
SS (Smart Source): This refers to the Sunday newspaper inserts
YMMV (Your Mileage May Vary): Sometimes, certain conditions allow for deals for some people while others may not be so lucky. For example, some K-Mart stores do surprise doubles where coupons will randomly double. You may score a deal but your friend in line behind you may not.